Palm Coast, Fl - Excessive Traffic on Fl Pk Dr Endangers Residents' Health/Lives

Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 3:32 PM

I have responded to Mayor Netts office to add my input for our traffic problems on Florida Park Drive.

The NOISE pollution from traffic is one of my major objections.  It is constant day and night. Yes, we have become a main thoroughfare
for this section of town and it will get worse.  I put my notation on reply as to we need to use ear plugs to sleep. (especially front room.
There is constant excessive loud noises from trucks, motorcycles, car radios & mufflers.

As far as health/medical issues, I am under treatment for lung cancer so it would be a plus to reduce air pollution. 
We have owned this house since 1982 (30 yrs) and have seen many changes here. 

Thank you for taking an interest to resolve the problem.